Valencia from 20 to 22 March 2013
3rd Iberian Gravitational-Wave Meeting 2013

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General programme, activity sheet

Wednesday 20 March, 2013 18:00 to 18:30 Conference
Binary Neutron Star Mergers with Spin
Speaker: Wolfgang Kastaun, Albert Einstein Institute, Postdoctoral Researcher

Authors: Wolfgang Kastaun, Daniela Alic, Filippo Galeazzi, Luciano Rezzolla, Jose A. Font

Numerical studies of binary neutron star mergers incorporate a rich selection of physics, including general relativistic hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics, nuclear physics, in particular neutrino physics, and BH formation. One ingredient that has been neglected so far, in contrast to binary black hole simulations, is the role of the neutron star spins, which influences the spin of the resulting BH, which in turn is important to model short gamma ray bursts. We present first numerical results for the merger of spinning binary neutron stars with a simplified equation of state. In particular, we adress the question how close the angular momentum of the final BH can get to the theoretical maximum.
Afternoon Sessions
Place: Salon Grados

Other activities in Afternoon Sessions
16:00 h. to 16:30 h.Conference

Testing the LISA Technology Package Diagnostics In Space Conditions

Speaker: Ferran Gibert, Institut de Ciències de l'Espai (CSIC-IEEC)), PhD student
15:30 h. to 16:00 h.Conference

Parameter estimation in LISA Pathfinder experiments

Speaker: Nikolaos Karnesis, CSIC-IEEC, PhD student
17:00 h. to 18:00 h.Conference

Charon: a new code for multidimensional radiation transport

Speaker: David Radice, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
16:30 h. to 17:00 h.Conference

Gravitational wave radiation from colliding white dwarfs

Speaker: Enrique Garcia-Berro, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Professor
15:00 h. to 15:30 h.Conference

A short review of the L2/L3 call and the underlying process

Speaker: Oliver Jennrich, ESA, Scientist
17:00 h. to 17:30 h.Coffee break

Organizers, sponsors, collaborators


ADEIT Fundació Universitat Empresa

Plaza Virgen de la Paz, 3 · E-46001 Valencia
Phone: +34 96 160 3000