General programme, activity sheet

Friday 29 April, 2016 09:30 to 10:00 Comunicación
The opportunities afforded by the use of online games in the translation and interpreting classroom
Speaker: Bryan John Robinson Fryer, Universidad de Granada
Speaker: María Dolores Olvera Lobo, Universidad de Granada
Speaker: María Asunción Arrufat Pérez de Zafra, Universidad de Granada

In any context and from a very early age, we all find games attractive: they enable us to learn and test faculties we will later employ in everyday life. Online games have been advocated as a promising tool in communications and education, capable of strengthening our knowledge and training us in the use of skills. Our proposal is inspired by the belief that despite the fact that today we have access to more and better teaching instruments, these advances sometimes fail to be reflected effectively in the results of learning and the acquisition of competencies on the part of our learners. To a large extent, success in motivating learners to the full and gaining their total commitment to the subjects they have to study depends on finding the strong points that arouse their interest in course contents. In the present study, we analyze some of the video games most widely used by young people from the perspective of their application in the learning-teaching process in translation and interpreting. And, we consider how these games can help strengthen the competencies needed when training these future professionals. Our results are promising: they show the potential value of this tool and present gamification as an original, attractive methodological perspective for the translation and interpreting classroom.
Topic 5 New technologies and their application to specialised translation

Other activities in Topic 5 New technologies and their application to specialised translation
11:00 h. to 11:30 h.Comunicación

The Role of Terminological Knowledge Bases in Specialized Translation: The use of ‘Umbrella Concepts’

Juan Carlos Gil Berrozpe, Universidad de Granada
09:00 h. to 09:30 h.Comunicación

El uso de ontologías en la representación del conocimiento biomédico como recurso para la traducción especializada

Tamara Varela Vila, Universidade de Vigo
10:00 h. to 10:30 h.Comunicación

Building ontologies with Methontology as a technical resource for specialised translation: OntoUAV project, a multilingual web ontology (EN/FR/ES) on Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (UAV)

Maria Azahara Veroz González, Universidad de Córdoba
10:30 h. to 11:00 h.Comunicación

Future trends towards the integration of term banks in the professional translation environment

Miguel A. Candel-Mora, Universitat Politècnica de València



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