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Divendres 29 d'abril de 2016 10:30 a 11:00 |
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Future trends towards the integration of term banks in the professional translation environment Exposa: Miguel A. Candel-Mora, Universitat Politècnica de València
Translation-oriented terminology management is not only limited to the study of terminology problems faced by translators with regards to terminology specialization, validity, currency, and training, it also deals with the construction of terminology databases, and the use of Information Technologies, such as translation memories and terminology management applications. For the last years, the process of developing terminology databases, their integration with CAT tools that facilitate their use, maintenance and retrieval towards the automation of the translation process and the consistency of technical terminology has focused attention from the academia and the language industry alike.
However, this approach to terminology management seems to be carried out from a mostly theoretical perspective, disregarding that freelance translators do not usually share a common ground in terms of work environment, resources available, translation specialization or language pair just to mention a few of the variables that take place in this profession.
The aim of this paper is to present the results from a survey conducted among professional translators in Spain regarding their actual experience with terminology management: their most frequent problems, and the most common resources used; and then compare these results with the terminology functionalities of CAT tools in order to identify potential gaps between the technological offer and the specific needs of translators, and suggest future enhancements.
Fulford, H. 2001. “Translation Tools: An Exploratory study of their Adoption by UK freelance Translators”. Machine Translation, 16. 219-232.
Somers, Harold. (ed) 2003. Computers and translation. A translator's guide. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Wright, S. E. and Budin, G. (eds.). 1997. Handbook of Terminology Management. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing. Més informació: Topic 5 Noves tecnologies i les seues aplicacions a la traducció especialitzada