Programa general, fitxa d'activitat

Dimecres 27 d'abril de 2016 16:00 a 16:30 Comunicación
Teaching specialised translation
Exposa: Jarmila Fictumova, Masaryk University

Teaching specialised translation The paper describes the method and technologies used in teaching specialised translation. In my earlier article the beginning of e-learning, including blended learning for translators and interpreters was described. More than ten years later, it has transpired that the model has survived and developed into a viable teaching programme in which students learn to create specialised corpora, extract terminology, translate with the help of translation memory tools enhanced with machine translation input, consult internet-based databases and other resources. The students revise and evaluate their peers’ translations in the e-learning system. The latest addition – a translation learner corpus tool, integrated in the e-learning system – is still in pilot version. It has gradually been implemented in the feedback phase in class, providing ample material for both teaching and research. Translation learner corpora can include various metadata (e.g. the students’ year, type and field of study, etc.). The translations are aligned (if necessary, it is possible to adjust the automatic alignment), automatically tagged, and a corpus is compiled. The most time-consuming part is manual error-tagging. Once this phase is finished, the translations can be compared, sentence by sentence (i.e. original plus students’ translations) and shown to students, using the latest technologies for presenting in class. It is possible to generate personal student reports, based on error statistics for individual translations to show students’ progress throughout the term or during their studies in the translation programme. The paper strives to present the results of several years of innovations in teaching specialised translation at the department.
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Topic 4 La docència de la traducció especialitzada

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