Programa general, fitxa d'activitat

Dijous 28 d'abril de 2016 13:30 a 14:00 Comunicación
Environmental discourse: A cross-linguistic analysis of metaphor
Exposa: Mok Won Park, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

The environmental discourse is full of linguistic metaphors whose use is pervasive. However, research on metaphor and metaphor translation has mainly focused on literary language for a large part of its history. One of the reasons why we should be interested in investigating linguistic metaphors and how they are translated in environmental discourse lies in the urgent need to raise awareness of the environmental issues particularly among young generation. This paper intends to comparatively and contrastively examine metaphors as used in a youth magazine called TUNZA published by the United Nations Environment Program since 2003, through a multilingual unidirectional parallel corpus of written texts. The languages implied are English, acting as a source language, together with Spanish and Korean as target languages. In the field of metaphor studies, cognitive linguistic theory of metaphor is the dominant perspective in the contemporary world of interdisciplinary metaphor studies. Yet, there are many skeptical questions about conceptual metaphor theory from critics, which lead to three dimensional discourse analytic approach and relevance approach to metaphor. These latter two theoretical accounts will be mainly adopted in this thesis. The focus is on ST and TTs styles with the purpose of using the systematic stylistic approaches to scrutinize their features. It starts with looking at keywords which are considered to be salient features of the particular genre and potentially metaphorical. The next is to apply the Pragglejaz Group’s procedure to identify metaphorically used words, and then to investigate if and how their translations maintain those stylistic effects. Gutt, E.-A. (1993) Translation and Relevance: Cognition and Context. Oxford: Blackwell. Sperber, D & Wilson D. (1986) Relevance: Communication and Cognition. Oxford: Blakwell. Steen, Gerard J., L., Herrmann, B., Kaal, A., Krennmayr, T., & Pasma, T. (2010) A Method for Linguistic Metaphor Identification: From MIP to MIPVU. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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Topic 2 Corpus i traducció especialitzada



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