Programa general, fitxa d'activitat

Dimecres 27 d'abril de 2016 15:00 a 15:30 Comunicación
Exposa: María Calzada Pérez, Universitat Jaume I

The present paper explores the possibilities offered by corpus linguistics to study the Euro-jargon employed in European parliamentary speeches. Euro-jargon –otherwise known as Euro-speak, among other designations – has been defined as “the language used at the European institutions” (Kajzer, 2012). As such, it has been presented as a specialised kind of (transnational) vehicle of communication (Sossoni, 2011), which “comes in all languages” (Wagner, 2001) and comprises “concepts that have no equivalent at national level” (Wagner, Bech, Martinez, 2002:64). Although most prior studies on the subject focus on terminology, Euro-jargon is hereby presented as a much more wide-encompassing phenomenon to which the language employed by MEPs contributes. This language shares features with other parliamentary exchanges. However, it also contains idiosyncrasies that make EP speeches somewhat unique. Corpus linguistics is by now a well-established methodology with an ample gamut of tools that facilitate a quantitative and qualitative examination of the differences and similarities of specialised language. It is therefore a most adequate choice to poke into our object of study. More specifically, the paper concentrates on the comparative analysis of the European Comparable and Parallel Archive (ECPC), of over 50,000,000 tokens, which consists of 3 main corpora: ECPC_EP (with EP’s original and translated speeches from 2004 to 2011), ECPC_CD (with speeches delivered at the Spanish Congreso de los Diputados from 2004 to 2014) and ECPC_HC (with House of Commons’ speeches from 2004 to 2014). The Archive’s corpora are all XML tagged and may be queried for POS patterns. Both parallel and comparable studies (of lexis and syntax) will be performed in order to come up with a detailed description of original and translated Euro-jargon.
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Topic 2 Corpus i traducció especialitzada

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José Sergio Pajares Nievas, Universidad Jaume I



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