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Dimecres 27 d'abril de 2016 12:30 a 13:00 Comunicación
Economic columns in English and Spanish: rhetorical analysis of two different ways to envision op-eds.
Exposa: María Angeles Orts Llopis, Universidad de Murcia

The years since the onset and evolution of the Global Systemic Crisis have witnessed a plethora of publications in the shape of academic monographs, popular science books and opinion columns, in which think-tanks, scientists and journalists try to provide recipes to end the slump. The present study aims at the analysis of the different rhetorical devices used by the American Paul Krugman and the Spanish Luis Garicano, two scientists who have turned into economic prophets of sorts in their respective countries. Through a contrastive study of a roughly 12-thousand-word corpus of either author, we have, firstly, undertaken a scrutiny of the lexical-semantic aspects of their discourse in terms of technical words, clichés and coinages. A second stage of our study has concentrated upon the textual and interactive aspects of their prose, analyzing the metadiscourse devices through which the authors attempt to create “a credible textual persona or ethos” (Dafouz, 2008: 96) through which to convey their vision of the world in an effective and believable way for their audience. The results rendered in our study aim at proving that the differences and concomitances found constitute traits of the personal style of the author, but are also the result of the way in which op-eds are envisioned in the language and culture that either scientist belong to.Keywords: economic op-eds, metadiscourse, economic neologisms, economic coinages. Dafouz, E. (2008). The pragmatic role of textual and interpersonal metadiscourse markers in the construction and attainment of persuasion: A cross-linguistic study of newspaper discourse. Journal of Pragmatics, 40, 95-113.
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Topic 1 Lingüística aplicada a la traducció: discurs, lèxic, terminologia, corpus

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Metaphor in Tourism Discourse: Cross-linguistic Variance in Spanish and German Promotional Texts

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The translation of the World Health Organization (WHO) questionnaire into Spanish: problems and solutions.

Nereida Congost-Maestre, UA-Universidad de Alicante
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Humour and culture-specific items in translation: pragmalinguistic análysis (based on M. Bulgakov's satirical stories)

Vera Grechukhina, Universidad de Granada
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Los nombres de productos de la industria cosmética en la publicidad en internet y sus estrategias de traducción

Antonia Montes, IULMA
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Neología traductiva, a propósito de la crisis económica mundial

Iolanda Galanes Santos, Universidade de Vigo



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