Due to uncertainties regarding the Covid-19 situation, we decided together with the Scientific Committee that
FOOD ORAL PROCESSING FOP2021 will be a fully online conference.
The online conference will take place from July 12 to 14, 2021. We are sorry for any inconveniences caused. We also considered other options like a hybrid conference, but unfortunately the uncertainties regarding travel and the organization of events in summer are still too unpredictable for reliable planning.


6th International Conference on Food Oral Processing Physics, Physiology and Psychology of Eating


Aimed at deepening the understanding and interplay of food structure, oral breakdown, in-mouth food trajectory and human perception.

Food Oral Processing (FOP) is one of the hottest topics in Food Science. Its development in recent years has been dramatic because it involves multiple and interrelated disciplines as oral activity, sensory perception, nutrition and metabolism, oral physiology, food structure and design through in-vivo, in-vitro, and in-silico approaches.  

In addition, the Conference will provide an excellent opportunity for industrial researchers to meet with academics from different disciplines for knowledge transfer and to establish research collaborations.

Covered Topics:

FOP and sensory perception
Texture perception, Mouthfeel, Mouth coating, Aroma release, Taste release, Dynamic sensory perception, FOP, liking and expectations, Texture perception acuity, Lubrication perception, Moisture perception, 

FOP and nutrition and metabolism
Oral digestion, Bioaccesability and biodisponibility after mastication, Glycaemic index, Starch digestibility-FOP related, Satiety/ satiation, Food exposure duration,

Oral physiology and FOP 
Oral physiological features, biting, swallowing, saliva and saliva secretion, bolus image analysis and granulometry, Bolus rheology, In-vitro mastication, Video recording of oral activity, Saliva flow, production, and composition, Electromyography, Swallowing and bolus elongational rheology, Videofluorography, Jaw tracking, Tongue pressure, Lubrication and tribology,

FOP across lifespan and for specific populations
Oral comfort perception, Oral health status and FOP, Hyposalivation, Age-related sensory capabilities, Ethnicity-, and Gender-related Fop featurres, Individual differences, Eating capability, Masticatory performance, Pre-chewed food and pieces size for children, Dysphagia, Texture design and modification for specific populations

Designing food for tailored FOP
FOP and food structure, texture, and rheology, Structural breakdown, Texture contrast, Texture complexity, Sodium release, Mucoadhesion and food design, Particle adhesion and cohesion, 

Assessment and modelling of food structure and oral processing
Food structure and texture, Oral processing and oral movement, Sensory analysis, Brain functions, MRI analysis, Human testing, Eating and swallowing simulators, Statistics, Ethical guidelines, 

Confirmed Speakers:

Guy Carpenter (King’s College, London, UK)
Carole Tournier (Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l’Alimentation (CSGA), INRA, Dijon, France)
Elke Scholten (Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands)
Anwesha Sarkar (University of Leeds, Leeds, UK)
Yalda Moayedi (Columbia University, New York, USA) 
Francis Canon (INRA-CSGA, Dijon, France)
Kaisa Poutanen (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland)


Technical secretariat:

MªJosé García (maria.jose.garcia-fortea@fundacions.uv.es)

96 158 39 25 

Scientific secretariat:

Scientific questions, please contact with: sfiszman@iata.csic.es

The registration period begins 22-12-2020 until 10-07-2021
To register, you can choose between the different prices according to your case register
