In the last three years we have witnessed a series of events that seriously endanger the health of a large part of the population, regardless of their origin, culture, values, or status. However, the danger is greater for all those who, for various reasons, were - or are - particularly vulnerable to mental and physical suffering. Prominent among them are those whose mental and emotional health was already compromised and who, for a variety of reasons, have not received the sufficient and necessary attention they undoubtedly deserve. This Congress aims to highlight the deficiencies and the, on many occasions, insurmountable obstacles to which these people are subjected, obstacles that are even more acute in times like the ones we are still living. That is why we wanted to give a special voice to those who suffer from mental problems and their families, but also to those who care and worry about them day after day. But, in addition, when we were preparing this Congress, our European environment has been particularly shaken and gripped by a new war event, as unjust and disproportionate as all wars are, which once again has highlighted the fragility of everything we take for granted: stability, peace, freedom to decide, human rights, and a long etcetera. Thousands of people have been forced to emigrate seeking refuge and help in our societies. For all these reasons we wanted to dedicate a specific space to those who, from their professional activity as psychologists, are involved in the care of war refugees.
If there is any positive aspect to events such as those recently experienced - pandemics, wars, forced emigration - it has been that they have brought us face to face with the mirror of mental and emotional suffering, showing us that no one is, we are, immune to them and that, therefore, under certain circumstances, anyone can cross that fine line that differentiates health from illness and mental suffering. In fact, many studies show how certain problems (suicides, violence, isolation, depression, anxiety disorders, addictions, etc.) that have affected large groups of the population, among which, once again, the most vulnerable: children and adolescents, occupy a prominent place. These problems will also receive special attention at the Congress.
We hope that the program we have prepared will be of interest and will allow us to reflect on our role as psychologists in order to improve our skills and knowledge. In addition, we have decided to be optimistic and to schedule an entirely face-to-face Congress, opening however also the possibility of online attendance for those who cannot travel to Valencia for any reason. Thank you very much to all the colleagues who have accepted to participate in the Congress, for offering us so generously their time and knowledge for the benefit of all. See you in October in Valencia!
Amparo Belloch and Carmen Carrió
Presidents of the Congress